Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How to Eat Black Foods in More Nutritional Ways

Black foods are rich in essential amino acids, which could strengthen the body’s resistance to heat, cold, fatigue and hypoxia. So they are very helpful in improving immunity and preventing aging. Many people know that black foods contain high nutrition and frequent eating is beneficial to body health such as black sesame, black rice, black date, black beans, black fungus and seaweed. But people often make some mistakes to affect the absorption of food nutrients.

Black sesame should be grounded into powder to eat. Black sesame contains abundant unsaturated fatty acids, which help the brain and intellectual development, prevent aging and provide necessary abundant zincs. Eating the whole grain of sesame seeds is not good for body absorption. If people ground sesame seeds to eat, the nutrients in it are easier to be digested and absorbed. People who like eating it should prepare a small mortar or crushers.

Do not get rid of peels of eggplant and grapes in eating. When eating eggplant and grapes, people are accustomed to remove the peels which lose a lot of nutrients virtually. The dark color skins often contain abundant vitamins, dietary fiber and various trace elements. For example, purple grapes contain the antioxidant to prevent aging and its content in peel is much higher than that of flesh. Eggplant is rich in vitamin E and vitamin P, which have the function of lowering cholesterol, improving the flexibility of the capillary and protecting cardiovascular blood vessel. In the eggplant skin, the content of nutritional substance is the highest.

Black bean products could be eaten more. People often pay more special attention to black fungus, mushrooms and seafood, but they often ignore a kind of black food – black beans. The black beans are not only foods but also medicine to supplement kidney and expelling coldness. It is effective in improving the body immunity and reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. So, people should eat more black beans products such as black soybean milk and tofu.

Since black foods have so many advantages, people are suggested to add black foods to their daily recipe to have delicious and nutritional meal every day.

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